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Don't waste your time
with routine tasks

All paperwork and basic diagnostics for your patients can be handled easily online. Process automation and a single channel of communication with your patients will significantly reduce the administrative burden on your staff. MEDDI represents an end to the endless ringing of the telephone.

waiting room

Make life easier for yourself
and your patients

We are trusted by thousands of doctors and patients in several European countries and Latin America.

  • Connect securely with your patients via encrypted call, video call or chat, depending on your time availability.
  • Applications and confirmations are automatically pre-populated. You can issue them in no time.
  • Reduce the risk of infection at times of increased incidence of infectious diseases.
  • MEDDI MD for doctors is and always will be completely free!
Time for

Telemedicine - medical care of the 21st century

A significant part of physical visits can easily be replaced by an
online connection. How does it work?

MEDDI application

Patient care in the 21st century? On the phone and on the computer

Using your mobile phone, in the office via computer or on a business trip... It's up to you which way and time you choose to connect with your patients. MEDDI supports all popular platforms (Android, iOS, PC) and is fully responsive.

Safely and comfortably

An app with intuitive controls

MEDDI is easy to use, fast and absolutely secure thanks to advanced encryption. No data is sent to third parties - so your data stays between you and your patients.

Functions of the MEDDI MD application

In the basic version, the app is completely FREE, plus it offers doctors the option of additional intake from telemedicine.

Case archive

Overview of closed cases, case history.


Issuing ePrescriptions via mobile phone or on a computer within the app.


Patient registration and overview, connection to NIS and AIS.

Patient verification

Health insurance validation, verification registering PZS, verification of permanent residency.

Management module

Performance management, staff management, patient management, site service roster management, site management, certificate management.

Switching between departments

Ability to view patient requests of the current department, the possibility of different settings of office hours and patient requirements.

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Nurses interface

Possibility of separate patient requests to nurses, case management for individual clinics and physicians, access to patient data, distribution of educational materials, administration of patient questionnaires, possibility to transfer the patient to another physician.

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Bulk messages and educational materials

Possibility of filtering recipients, communication with larger patient groups, preventive, marketing and crisis communication. Possibility of creating packages of educational materials for different diagnoses and interventions, sharing of videos, brochures, websites and other materials, confirmation of educational material, possibility of patient feedback.

No more unnecessary paperwork

MEDDI is designed to save time for everyone involved. Its clever features significantly speed up many routine tasks. To make life easier for you and your patients.

  • In a clear digital filing cabinet you have all the information together. Even searchable.
  • You simply dictate the medical reports. Then all you have to do is confirm the submission. The captured texts are automatically converted into a form in which you can copy and edit them.
  • Interconnection with NIS and AIS fundamentally facilitates patient care and automated ordering.
  • Patients pay you for covered services simply through a payment gateway.
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Try MEDDI for yourself

Installing and setting up the app is a matter of a few clicks. So why waste time?


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